Infected-Sounds Release FREE Littl3-S25 Virtual Synth

Infected-Sounds has released Littl3-S25, an emulation of the monophonic Moog Subsequent 25, as a free VST plugin for Windows. Littl3-S25 is monophonic, much like the analog beast it’s emulating, and has the features and controls you’d expe…

Infected-Sounds Release FREE Littl3-S25 Virtual Synth

Infected-Sounds has released Littl3-S25, an emulation of the monophonic Moog Subsequent 25, as a free VST plugin for Windows. Littl3-S25 is monophonic, much like the analog beast it’s emulating, and has the features and controls you’d expect. Sixteen waveforms are present, with users being able to blend two waveforms concurrently with noise and sub-oscillators. The [...]

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