5 Stage Lighting Tips For Live Concerts

A live concert is an exciting event many people enjoy. However, it’s no secret that it can be challenging to plan and execute it. For one, there are various aspects you need to consider when designing the stage’s lighting. If you’re holding a live concert and want to have an excellent lighting setup, here are …

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5 Stage Lighting Tips For Live Concerts


A live concert is an exciting event many people enjoy. However, it’s no secret that it can be challenging to plan and execute it. For one, there are various aspects you need to consider when designing the stage’s lighting.

If you’re holding a live concert and want to have an excellent lighting setup, here are some tips you can follow:

Use High-Quality Lights

The lighting you’ll use for your live concert can significantly impact how it’ll turn out. If you use dull lights, people watching from farther seats may not see the performers clearly. On the other hand, illuminating the venue with bright lights will highlight the stage and elevate the audience’s experience.

So, when designing the stage, you must use top-notch equipment. If you’re renting the lights and other stage items, you should find a reliable company to lend you a hand. You can check out past setups of well-known providers in your area to see whether they have the lights you need.

If you can, inspect the illumination you’ll use for the concert to ensure everything is in excellent condition. This would allow you to check if the lights are working well and are free from any damage. For instance, the sound and lighting clamps should not show signs of rust or dents since it could be a potential safety hazard.

Place Lights To Complement The Stage

Your stage’s layout will dictate your lighting’s placement. It would also determine how many lights you need to illuminate the area. So, you must finalize the stage design before you plan your lighting.

Ceiling lights, backlights, and moving lights may suffice if you have a standard rectangular stage. The ceiling lighting will keep the entire set visible to the audience and ensure the performers are seen. Backlights can create a three-dimensional effect, highlighting the people on stage. You can place the moving lights in front of the stage floor as they can change their colours and direction. It can elevate the overall ambience of the live concert.

On the other hand, if your stage design is more complex, you may need to install lights in various areas of the venue to illuminate it. For instance, you need to set up a lighting truss to hold the additional lights for the main stage’s extension.

Consider The Performers

Besides the stage design, the type of performers conducting the concert will also influence how you will light your stage. For instance, if you’re organizing a band performance, you may need multiple spotlights for each member. You need to place each piece of equipment strategically to ensure it will reach the person you’re highlighting without blocking other light streaks.

On the other hand, if you’re holding a DJ concert, it may be a good idea to invest in colour-changing lights as they would complement the music played in the venue. You can add strobe lights and even put some to illuminate the audience as it would elevate their concert experience.

Overall, planning your stage lighting based on the artist would be helpful. Remember that the lights shouldn’t distract the people on stage as they may interfere with the performance or cause accidents. For instance, if you add floor lights for a dance artist’s stage, they may not see it and trip.

Use Hazers

Some lighting, especially light beams or strobe lights, may not be evident without some smoke. They won’t be as clear and will only be seen whenever they hit the floor or ceiling. On the other hand, if there is a haze on stage, their form will be visible to the audience. So, if you want the concert lights to be visible, it may be a good idea to use hazers.

In some cases, you can put this equipment on the left and right sides so they won’t ruin the stage design. You can also place it below an elevated platform if your setup includes multiple levels.

Control Lights Using One Console

The lighting during a live concert changes throughout the event as it needs to follow the performance’s vibe. For instance, if a slower song is playing, you may need to tone down the lights and put the spotlight on the artist. On the other hand, you should switch up the lights to keep up with an upbeat song.

Doing this without delays can be challenging if your stage lights have different controllers. Hence, it’s advisable to use one console to control the entire venue’s lighting. In addition, you should set up your booth where you can see the whole stage, so you can see what the lighting looks like throughout the concert. It would help you make real-time adjustments without compromising the performance’s quality.

Final Thoughts

Lighting a stage for a live concert takes a lot of planning. You must consider the venue’s design to ensure your setup is adequate. Additionally, you must select high-quality equipment as it would affect the audience’s experience during the concert.

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