Sonniss Offers 50 GB Of FREE Sound Effects (GDC 2020 Bundle)

Sonniss has released the GDC 2020 Audio Bundle, a free sound library containing 50 GB of royalty-free sound effects and field recordings. Every year during the Game Developer Convention, the kind folks at Sonniss release a massive free collection of s…

Sonniss Offers 50 GB Of FREE Sound Effects (GDC 2020 Bundle)

Sonniss Offers 50 GB Of FREE Sound Effects (GDC 2020 Bundle)

Sonniss has released the GDC 2020 Audio Bundle, a free sound library containing 50 GB of royalty-free sound effects and field recordings. Every year during the Game Developer Convention, the kind folks at Sonniss release a massive free collection of sound effects. This all started with a 10 GB freebie back called the GDC 2015 [...]

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