Ultimate List of Free Hip Hop Samples & Presets

One of the secrets to producing high quality beats is making sure the quality of the elements of your productions are on point.For example, you have to make your beat interesting to make sure it stands out from literally thousands of beats that …


One of the secrets to producing high quality beats is making sure the quality of the elements of your productions are on point.

For example, you have to make your beat interesting to make sure it stands out from literally thousands of beats that are being dropped every single day.

Just by using hard-hitting hip hop drum samples you can build a strong foundation, but just a drum loop doesn’t cut it, so combining your drum patterns with strong and memorable melodies is what can really make a difference.

Let’s also not forget about placement-ready 808s! I can’t stress enough how important it is to use high quality 808s in your productions. The 808 is really what can give your beat a completely different feeling when you make the tiniest little adjustments to it.

To help you create endless amounts of high quality beats that hit HARD, we’ve put together a list of our best (free) hip hop sample packs and presets.

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