Roland Juno-6 vs System 8 Juno 60 Head-To-Head Comparison

The System-8 has the unique capability to host and control up to three Roland Plug-Out software synthesizers. So you can use it to emulate the sound of a JUPITER-8, JUNO-106, JX-3P, JUNO-60, SH-2, SH-101, PROMARS and more.… Read More Roland Juno-…

The System-8 has the unique capability to host and control up to three Roland Plug-Out software synthesizers. So you can use it to emulate the sound of a JUPITER-8, JUNO-106, JX-3P, JUNO-60, SH-2, SH-101, PROMARS and more.… Read More Roland Juno-6 vs System 8 Juno 60 Head-To-Head Comparison

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